Wednesday, April 1, 2009


With more than one hundred thousand children in foster care, homosexual couples should be permitted adoption rights regardless of their sexual orientation. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “as many as nine million U.S. children have at least one homosexual parent.” Although there are numerous concerns about this subject matter, the foremost concern should be the child’s best interest.

Public support for allowing gay couples to adopt children is on the rise. Opponents once firmly in the majority, now hold a minority view and supporters of “same-sex” adoption now outnumber the opposition. A survey conducted by ABCNews suggests that 47% of Americans agree on gay adoption. The survey found that young adults, women, and those with higher education were the majority that supported gay adoption. Region also played a part in how Americans voted in the poll; Americans that lived in the South voted against gay adoption while those living in the North and Midwest favored the possibility of adoption.

The first and most important question for many is, “Will the parent’s sexual preference influence the child’s sexual orientation?” The answer may surprise you, but there is no known data that implies that the child will be affected. Therefore, the suggestion that sexual orientation can be taught is completely false. “Sexual orientation stems from the sex hormones that we as human beings are born with.” (Bailey) Despite the beliefs of many opponents, most homosexuals will not come from “same-sex” families. “It has been found that about 90% of sons of gay fathers and 90% of daughters of lesbian mothers are heterosexual.” (Bailey) “Researchers have not found any more or less tendencies in children reared in “same-sex” households to be homosexual than children in traditional families.” (Harris)

Another major argument is that children need a male and female figure in their lives in order to develop emotionally and become a productive and healthy adult. This may be true, but most homosexual couples have family members and friends who can provide as a role model. Most “same-sex” parents make a special effort to ensure that their kids learn to relate to adults of the opposite sex. Karen M. Anderson, an author who wrote Growing up in a lesbian family: Effects on child development, found that children having “same- sex” parents are more liberal towards gay and lesbian civil rights, as well as the rights of other minorities. The children are also more acceptable to change and that attribute alone allows for the child to have a positive outlook on life.

A good case in point for how “same-sex” couples are discriminated against would be what June Amer experienced when trying to adopt a child. June Amer has a son of her own whom she and her partner have brought up together. The couple eventually showed interest in adopting a second child, but when Amer truthfully filled out the application form that asked if she was a homosexual, her application was immediately rejected. (Fitzgerald) This was a woman who had already proved to be a good parent and who lived in a healthy environment. She could have provided care and love for another child, but the adoption agency would not allow the adoption. Her only characteristic flaw that did not meet the agency’s qualifications was the fact that she had a female lover. Because of this reason, many qualified applicants are being turned down. It is appalling that this one qualification can interfere with so many lives of people who only want to be a loving parent to a child in need. “Sexual orientation alone doesn’t make a person a good or bad parent.”(Kantrowitz)

The opposition may say that if homosexuals are permitted adoption rights, they might prey on the adoptive child sexually. Earl L. Kimmerling, a man who made headlines throughout Indiana for his anti-gay adoption fight to prevent his foster daughter from being adopted by a homosexual couple, was arrested on four felony counts of child molestation, according to the Indianapolis Star. The 9-year-old girl told authorities that he touched her frequently in a sexual nature and had her touch him as well. Mr. the Indianapolis Star reported, Kimmerling admitted to having sexual contact with the juvenile from April 1998 through May 1999. The Kimmberling’s described themselves as Christians and emphasized the importance of raising a child in a traditional family setting. This instance alone shows that not all opponents of gay adoption are better qualified to adopt a child nor do they have the child’s best interest at heart. The physical and emotion anguish that was placed upon this 9-year-old girl was caused by a man that wanted to keep her from being adopted by a gay couple - not the gay couple seeking to adopt the child.

There are now 100,000 children in foster homes or institutions in the U.S. who are in need of adoption. (Utne) These children need the love that homosexuals and heterosexuals can provide. If the immeasurable number of willing homosexuals could adopt these children, it could help our society by lessening the problem of children without families. All people are not the same, so why should all families be the same? The American Academy of Pediatrics supports gay adoption, because of the lack of data showing any harmful effects to the children being brought up by gay parents. In addition to the benefits of a two-parent household, allowing gay partners to adopt a child helps ensure the child equal access to Social Security, health care, and other benefits that heterosexual couples receive for their children..

For those who declare that the child will be uncomfortable having gay parents, it is comments of that nature that actually make the child uncomfortable. I believe what makes children of homosexual couples uncomfortable is not homosexuality itself, but society’s intolerant attitude toward it. There will be gay people in the next generation, just as there have been gay people in every other generation and the mass will not come from homosexual households. People need to recognize that there none if any verifiable reasons why homosexuals should not adopt children. Although seven states and the District of Columbia now permit gay adoptions either by law or court ruling, it is discouraging that there are only a few hundred documented adoptions by open gays. “Hopefully in the near future, many more children without parents will be able to have what they deserve: a family – “same-sex” or traditional.” (Henry)

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